Constantin Brancusi
1876-1957Portrait of Erik Satie, 1922
Vintage Silver Gelatin Print
39,5 x 29,5 cm
The original 12 x 9 cm glass plate negative is in the collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. PH 919a The negative is broken and there a 3 prints...
The original 12 x 9 cm glass plate negative is in the collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
PH 919a
The negative is broken and there a 3 prints from the broken negative.
There is one other known print, Private collection
PH 919a
The negative is broken and there a 3 prints from the broken negative.
There is one other known print, Private collection
Henri Pierre RocheZabriskie Gallery, New York, 1977
David Grob, London
Private Collection
“Sculpture: A Photographers Vision”, Zabriskie Gallery, New York 13th December 1977 – 14th January 1978“Brancusi, The Sculptor as Photographer”, 12 Duke Street Gallery, London, March – May 1980, rep. Plate 111“Brancusi”, Galerie Zur Stockeregg, Zurich, January – March, 1983“Vintage Photographs by Brancusi”, Jane Corkin Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, 15th October – 19th November, 1983“Brancusi”, The Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta, 13th April – 20th May, 1984“Brancusi”, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 7th September – 21st October, 1984“Brancusi Photographs”, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, 23rd January – 28th February 1988“Brancusi Photo Reflexion”, Didier Imbert Fine Art, Paris, 2nd October – 30th November, 1991, rep. p. 116, number 76“Brancusi Photo Reflection”, The Menil Collection, Texas, 7th March – 28th June, 1992, rep. Plate 76Exhibition travelled to:Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio 5th January – 28th February, 1993Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 12th March – 18th April, 1993
Ansel Adams Center, San Francisco, California,
1st May – 13th June, 1993Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 13th July – 19th September, 1993
Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, 9th October – 25th November, 1993
The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
29th January – 17th April, 1994
Kasmin, New York, Brancusi Photographer, May 16-June 29, 2019
Bozar Museum, Brussels, Brancusi, Sublimation of form, 2nd Oct 2019 - 12th Jan 2020, page 81, Fig.35, Catalogue number 63Literature
Barbu Brezianu, “Brancusi in Romania”, Bucarest, Ed. Academiei R.S.R.1976, page 30, reproduced figure 38
Ornella Volta, “L’Ymagier d’Erik Satie”, Paris, Ed. Van de Velde, 1979, reproduced page 67
Freidrich Teja Bach, “Constantin Brancusi”, Cologne, Dumont Buchverlag, 1987, page 341, number 370, reproduced
Bach, Rowell and Temkin, Constantin Brancusi, Centre Georges Pompidou,1995, Paris and Philadelphia museum of Art, illustrated Page 186 in both catalogues
Doina Lemny, Brancusi Au-delà de toutes les Frontières, Fage Editions, Lyon, 2012. Reproduced page 135